Thursday, October 2, 2008

Today I change my life!!!

Picture taken in Auckland New Zealand
Today I decided to change my life and make a decision to focus on positivity and not negativity.
I am the person who always has a story to tell. Some are positive, but some are negative. I found that when you re-tell a negative story you give it legs to walk around and grow larger. every time a negative situation or story is told it emotionally pulls you back to that negative space and time.

We may not realize it but it keeps us imprisoned to negativity. Always pulling us back into the Abyss of negativity. We must break free of what ails us. Negativity has effects on our work life, personal life, health and weight. In the next thirty days join me as I transform my mind and body in to place where I want to actually hang out. Come with me!!! Make a commitment to consciously take a hold of negative thought and throw them and way.. We can do it Pledge to do it for a day, a week a month, whichever suits you and see if the universe will not bring you happiness and returns beyond anything you can imagine.


ved prakash said...

that is type of a person even I M...

Mariposa--Experiencing my metamorphosis said...

We all go through life changes everyday. Thaks for commenting Ved

Tanisha said...

i agree with your philosophy. negativity grows like a weed. this weed is nourished by thoughts, attitude, language, tv shows, music, can live off anything, really, and spread all over into every crevice of our lives. we've got to kill it as soon as it appears. its seeds are in the air, so we have to actually be conscious, as you said, in order to keep our own zones clean and positive. i could go on and on with analogies around us that have become literal truth. how greed and hate lead to materialism and war. how materialism and war have lead to exhaust fumes, bombs, gunsmoke, addictive drug add that to the invisible fumes that leak from us when we feed anger and greed and hate! a vicious cycle--more comparable to the life cycle of a fly. we can barely inhale on this filthy earth, let alone EXHALE. as for the life cycle of a butterfly, we can learn that nature has already provided us the protection we need at each stage as we go through or own metamorphoses. let's focus on ourselves first. butterflies don't really go far until they get their wings. and like us, their lives are short. they spend it flying and visiting only the most beautiful places. keep your eye on your flower.....

Mariposa--Experiencing my metamorphosis said...

Thanks Ms.T very poignant response.