This is a picture of King Leonidas, yes from the movie 300! It sits on the side of the road in Greece. But as I look over my pictures and recount the story of King Leonidas, I think about purpose.
King Leonidas was bred to be king. Without compromise, or apology he was born to be a warrior. How lucky he was to know his purpose!! How many times have you asked whether (verbally or silently) why I am here? Well, the answer is there, if you just seek it. We all have a purpose. We walk on this earth for a reason. The question now is what is that reason? What thing would you do without any compensation? What would you do just for the fun of it? What do you dream about, even while you are awake? You know the answer, be honest with yourself. There is a plan for your life. Stop and take inventory of the things you longed for as a child, before you were bombarded by technology and became too busy to think for yourself. Remove yourself away from the busyness of life. so many times we are so busy, just being busy.
Life awaits you! As Randy Pausch stated learn your lessons before dying, live your childhood dreams. Children are pure hearted and instinctively know the right thing to say and do. The world is waiting for you to walk in your purpose. don't disappoint it, it is waiting for you.
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