Chateau D'If in Marsielle, France
A penny for your words!
Think! What if your words had value? It is a thought. If my words had value, I would weigh every word two to three times before I spoke them. I would ask myself does this statement or question edify the world or does it tear it down? Gossip, slander, backbiting, negative stories how do these make our world a better place? That is just it, it does not make it better, it makes it worst. Everyday I try to move one-step closer to my destiny by making good decisions about my tongue. The Bible says, “Life and death is in the power of the tongue. How many people have you killed with your mouth? It is time to stop committing murder and start performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Bring life to this world with your words…stop and imagine there was a charge associated with every word, what would you not say. What would you put back in your mouth? In the few weeks really stop to ask yourself is it worth saying?
Post from Melinda
This is really nice! I've already copies one of the pictures to post on my wall. I've been meditating on the power of using fewer words lately. You recent devotional was a confirmation. Thanks for the blessing!
great thoughts
That is a vary nice poem!
I am trying to get better at is very time consuming, but worth every minute.
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