S.R. Hoffler
Where do you get your nutrients?
What nourishes your soul? What makes you happy? These seem like simple questions, but they are not. We spend so much of our lives pleasing others doing-- what our parents want, what our friends want, what our mate wants that we lose sight of what we want. It becomes as if we are on our own personal island and people are coming to vacation on us, but we never get rest. As we stand on the cliff of our lives, we have to make a choice to nourish as we meet the needs of others.
Recently, I have been reading excerpts of, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale written in 1952. That is right 1952! It speaks of simple message believe in yourself, have faith in your abilities and success will come to you. However, it brings up one question what are you good at doing? Many of us do not know ourselves well enough to answer this simple question and to make proper decisions for our lives. I challenge you to set your eyes on a goal, and take steps to reach it over the next few weeks you owe it to yourself. Nourish your soul as you nourish others.
My current goal is to lose 30 pounds by the end of the year. I have taken steps by joining Weight Watchers and committing to attending meetings. I have already lost 6 pounds. What is your goal? Share, share, share!!!! --
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