The old saying is “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” However, did you know cleanliness is next to happiness? It is true-- a clean space allows one to process thoughts in an orderly fashion. I am not a neat freak, but I feel as if I am going CRAZY if my space is not in order.
Many times, we find ourselves being overwhelmed and just don’t know why? Our lives seem to be going well, but all of a sudden we feel like the bottom is falling from underneath us and we can not getting our footing. If this has happen to you look around in your office, car, or house and see if these spaces are tidy. If they aren’t, try to clean them out and see if your perspective doesn’t change. Clutter brings a cluttered mind. Eliminate your trash literally and figuratively.
What do you need to throw away? Who did you need to throw away, trash, clothes, people, or pounds? What do you need to purge as you walk into your purpose? Many times your blessings are found in places you have choosen to neglect. Clean your house today.
Adding to your idea.... I think it is also important to stop and gain perspective on what is happening to you. Things happen for a reason... so what is the reason? What should we learn from this experience? And how will this experience make us a better person? As I deal with my own battles on the homefront, I try to look for the good that will come out of troubling times and think how can I use my knowledge from these troubles to help others? Keep up the great thoughts!
It is so important to learn from the lessons of our past. LEARNING, that is the key. There are no coincidences..EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON! Find peace in knowing you are never alone in your struggles.
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